Saturday, January 25, 2020

Strategic Management Project Shell

Strategic Management Project Shell COMPANY: SHELL Introduction Shell is one of the worlds leading energy group and petrochemicals companies. It has around102000 employees in more than 100 countries. The objectives of the Shell Group are to engage efficiently, responsibly and profitably in oil, oil products, gas, chemicals and other selected businesses and to participate in the search for and development of other sources of energy to meet evolving customer needs and the worlds growing demand for energy. Mission Statement Shells innovative approach ensures that they are ready to tackle the challenges of new energy futures. 1.1 Topic of investigation having a strategic implication. This report explains the team buildings and teams work in Shell and development of its research work progress within the organization. It also presents suitable analysis of the project management and planning, advisory and project implementation of work. In this report, positive results of theories and its test showed that effective teamwork can lead to a success and achieving critical goals of Shell. It may also be able to gain the sustainability of competitiveness. Moreover, study explains that how team performance can be improved through leadership with project planning to face the upcoming challenges in modern era of business environment Shell operates in. 1.2 The aim, scope and objectives of the project. How can we improve Shells research study about lubes oil? What strategy we should adapt for improving Shells research? How and effective team force can be made for this purpose? The aim of the project is to achieve such team management, technology and resources that meet the new emerging energy challenges. Shell need to adapt such management strategies which will make a strong workforce with experienced and skilful team members. Shell wants to be recognised as a great company-competitive successfully and a force for progress. Shell has a fundamental belief that they can make a difference in the world because of its worth in the global market. A strong consumer proposition has been developed for the brand and embodied in the line World Quality which communicates Shell value-based offering in a precise manner, to its core target audience. The purpose of the advertising in the first instance is to support this strong value proposition and secondly to tailor the media solution to the store. 1.3 Justifying the scope, aim and objective. In meeting the energy challenges, the world faces three hard truths. The first is that there has been a step-change in global energy demand, with rapidly developing countries like China and India entering the energy-intensive phase of growth. Even with huge improvements in energy efficiency and substantial growth in renewables, fossil fuels will still be the main element of the energy mix by mid-century. The second hard truth is that easy-to-access oil and gas is in decline. As a result, energy will come increasingly from unconventional sources, such as oil sands. The third hard truth is that the increased burning of fossil fuels especially coal for power generation could mean unacceptably high emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming and climate change. Meeting the energy challenge Shell is helping to meet the energy challenge with a broad range of approaches. It uses advanced technologies that can unlock oil and gas in more remote or hostile environments, and new techniques to extend the lives of existing fields. We are increasing production from unconventional sources, including oil sands. Shell helps make the most of cleaner-burning natural gas through our output of liquefied natural gas (LNG) and gas to liquids (GTL) products. We are helping to develop second-generation bio fuels that do not compete with food crops; and we are developers of wind and solar power. 1.4 Evaluation of project research methodology. Methodolgy Research Study should be verified by seniors because all research is based on practical data and that data may vary by location of the research and by person. Need to Understand the Hypothesis before research and development. Which department are more feasible and which person is more interested and suitable for that research. Research should be complete on time. Research conduct at same time on different locations 2.1 Identify sources of data and information that will support the aim of the project. For a company like Shell having the right information about the environment, customs, laws and customer needs is of key importance. To gather this information the company will firstly see the law of the country in which it is going to start business, as we are talking about their business in UK the law allows this business. Here in UK there is a high demand it is a rich environment for the company to run their business. Data about this can be obtained by doing surveys and examining the current market i.e. by observing the similar businesses running in the country. Scanning the Environment In this research study, an appropriate approach of environmental scanning is considered in the industrial organisations that are operating in the chemical industry. Different types of information were used in this study. It included general information about the industry and specific about the participating companies. The type of data that was included was; Formal data that concerns the companys character. Data that is publicly available, like in annual reports. Interviews of managers that provided the history and culture of the companies. This information was very important to analyse and research the topic and to see how other companies are operating in the industry. Strauss (1987) emphasizes the usefulness of the case study approach when used with grounded theory. Grounded theory seeks to generate theoretical statements and, ultimately, complex theories based on empirical evidence, although it can be used in different ways and reach various degrees of complexity. The research design framework adopted in this study can be described as a multiple case study, composed according to the theory building structure, as described by Yin (1989), i.e., where the sequence of chapters follow a theory-building logic, and using the grounded theory method of qualitative data analysis. 2.2 Synthesise the data and information for options or alternatives that support the project aims. An effective information infrastructure was implemented to assess the information required in this research, which included technological information, processes and information acquired by people. A rich collection of scientific and technical information was gathered, which was managed by professionals having different backgrounds. However, some companies just provided a consistent picture which was a small collection made up of journals, literature and reports mainly. The information being pervasive is one of the main reasons in having difficulty in accounting for the costs involved in the research as it depends on specific roles and their performance. The data that was collected showed that in medium or large chemical companies data and information was being handled by 50% staff while in smaller companies about 9% staff was involved. The scope of the companies was assessed by their links with Research and Development organisations and hoe they collaborate with the regulatory agencies. Strategic change Larger companies like Shell influence the planning adoption but some other factors also interfere with the tendency, for example in what form the organisation is and what is the management style of the organisation. No evidence was found that suggests that the subsector companies should adopt the planning technique as a planning tool. While, the planning offices are also rare and their main duty is to collect the difficult data which is needed by the top management for decision making. The strategic change analysed mainly talked about increasing the quality of the product, which includes mainly improving the conditions of production. Environmental protection was also an issue in some cases there were highly pollutant industries. Globalisation and diversification were also some important strategic changes. Companies that targeted globalization pursued growth in the industry but some companies just secured their positions in the internal market due to the threat of major competitors operating in the main market. Companies which had a little scope of growth adopted specialization. The main target was to improve the product quality. Some companies claimed that they always pursue improving the production quality while other companies admitted that they have to improve the quality of the product to satisfy the EC regulations. 2.3 Determine an option or alternative that supports the project aims. Other way of supporting the project aim is to use theoretical information and implement it directly on the company. Information is like team management theories. Inductive and deductive research can be used to gather information and to move towards the aim. Deductive research Deductive reasoning works from the more general to the more specific. Sometimes this is informally called a top down approach. Conclusion follows logically from premises Inductive research Inductive reasoning works the other way moving from specific observations to broader generalizations and theories. Informally, we sometimes call this a bottom up approach. Conclusion is likely based on premises..It involves a degree of uncertainty. Inductive type based on induction. Data is collected on a subject and researcher tries to develop theory from this data. 3.1 Evaluate the research analysis to enable conclusions to be made. Team Management It is difficult to build a team and maintain good working relationships. However, team members go through a number of development stages to work together effectively in team performance management. Individuals performing well are rewarded while those who are not performing good are motivated. The functions and roles of its members should be recognised by its team. The leader should establish continuous communication lines and set clear goals that are understood. A team that performs well accomplishes projects quickly and with less difficulty, misunderstanding, and divergence. Strategic Objectives Strategic goals or objectives are broad, high level aims, derived from organisations mission statement and purpose, affecting the whole organization (sometimes referred to as corporate aims). These will be: Long term (time horizon of several years), although they should be monitored regularly (typically annually) and may be revised periodically. Responsive to external factors such as new competition, changes in global economic conditions, or customer demands. The term strategic denotes a particular focus of the managers planning and decision making responsibilities. Senior mangers focus mostly on why questions, concentrating on the big picture and providing vision and leadership for employees across the whole organisation. Alignment of team performance and corporate goals To achieve the corporate aims it is necessary that the direction of the teams is towards the long term strategic goal. Managers and team leaders have to keep in mind what they need to achieve overall. And hence, to control the teams in such a way that either they are working on long projects or short its all adding up to the final goal. In the case of Shell the main objective of the company is to provide good quality chemicals. To achieve this there has to be a proper direct and control system of the staff working at the stores from the top management to the staff working on the floor. A good communication and understanding will always lead to easy achievement of goals, satisfying the customer at the end. Mangers are supposed to take into account the demand and supply of the products to make sure every product is available on time and then work should be allocated to the subordinates in a proper system to get all the work done systematically and easily. Proper team management should be done by the supervisors and the team leaders. All the staff should be divided into small teams which have to work in different sections. Proper training should be given to all the team members and a standard way of achieving the goal. This performance target should be given to all the team members and should be monitored and reviewed constantly. This standard should be according to the company policy and should be according to health and safety and customer satisfaction oriented. Providing good work at the end of every shift, which is the availability of all the products on time with good customer service. 3.2 Recommend a course of action that achieves the project aim. Skills that need some development Communicating Decision-making Leadership Prioritizing Valuing and Skills need to be achieved. To respond problems, experiences and opportunities from which to learn. To generate ideas without constraints of policy or structure or feasibility. Involving with other people i.e ideas bouncing off them, solving problems as part of a team. Need to have a limelight/high visibility i.e can chair meetings, lead discussion, and give presentations. To be engaging myself in short, activities such as business games, competitive teamwork tasks, role playing exercises. Supporting Others Motivating Analysing Delegating Reporting 3.3 Analyse the impact of the recommendations. Training courses at Shell for career progression. Management Development Programme Includes: Consumer Legislation Customer Service Employment Law Health and Safety Human Resource Management Policies Procedures Opportunity development builds competitive positions by identifying and utilizing opportunities in the environment. Opportunity development is necessary because your existing positions are constantly being degraded by change. Opportunities exist as openings in the environment that allow you to advance your position in the direction of your mission. These openings are usually small, but by taking advantage of the small openings, you eventually position yourself for the big advances you want. Training After the initial audit our ethical trade specialists work with the suppliers to support them through remediation of any issues that are found. Training is offered to suppliers on particular issues and best practice, at regular intervals. Shell is in the process of more than tripling the size of its own ethical trade team that focuses on training and intensive problem solving with its suppliers. These individuals are trained to the highest levels and are equipped to address endemic problems in the supply chain and come up with viable solutions for the suppliers. 4.1 Produce the results of the investigative project. The purpose of this study was to explain the team buildings and teams work in Shell and development of its research work progress within the organization. It also presents suitable analysis of the project management and planning, advisory and project implementation of work. In this report, positive results of theories and its test showed that effective teamwork can lead to a success and achieving critical goals of Shell. It may also be able to gain the sustainability of competitiveness. Moreover, study explains that how team performance can be improved through leadership with project planning to face the upcoming challenges in modern era of business environment Shell operates in. The main result was in the adoption of the learning and training courses within the company in order to prosper and enhance in the future. Shell is one of the leading companies in the world in the chemical an oil sector and it felt pride in taking these training and development steps in order to move forward and to achieve its project aim as a result of the research program. 4.2 Evaluate the impact of the investigative project The future sustainability of any organization heavily depends on the quality of project management to be able to cope with todays dynamic business environment. There is direct co relation between stake holder business project and the people within the firm. Shell is one of the four largest companies in the UK and has been ranked number one of the top 100 graduate employers in the UK and all over the world. The sustainability of Shell competitive advantage of its brightest people is depending on the successful team work and leadership. The best leaders know how to get others to follow and the best team members know how to follow their leaders. REFERENCES BOOKS: Aguilar, F.J. (1967) Scanning the Business Environment. New York: McMillan. Robert , buttrick ,(2005).The project workout: pearso education limited Edinburgh gate Education 3rd (1) pp, 305-350 Strauss, A. Corbin, J, (1990). Basics of Qualitative Research: Grounded Theory Procedures and Techniques. London: Sage. Strauss, A. (1987) Qualitative Analysis For Social Scientists. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Total Quality Management: The route to improving performance by John S. Oakland (Hardcover 15 Mar 1993) Shell employee control hand book 07/08 Personal development as a strategic manager unit 7001: level 7 strategic management and leadership CMI Checklist: Personal development planning Developing strategy for world class business E-learning Your role in improving personal effectiveness Development needs and planning development Web links: 13/12/2009 13/12/2009 13/12/2009 10/12/2009 20/12/2009

Friday, January 17, 2020

Health and Safety Team Inspection Essay

Executive Summary The need to maintain a safe and healthy environment especially in the workplace has become a major goal in global corporations. In Canada, Health and Safety laws have been put in place to ensure employers take reasonable precaution to provide a safe working environment for their employees. Employees on the other hand, have an obligation to comply with the laid down health and safety policies and apply them accordingly. Health and safety inspection are the best way to identify potential workplace hazards before they cause a health and safety or a problem. The main purpose of this project is applying our knowledge of occupational health and safety in the workplace situation by identify and assessing workplace hazards and recommending control measures to eliminate or reduce the risk of identified hazard. It is important from every employee and employer point of view to recognize each and every hazard. It also enables us to know the health and safety measures that can be analyzed during inspection. As a team we can easily recognize what are the responsibilities of an employer, supervisor and employee. Through this project we as a team will get a golden opportunity to understand the risk involved in every hazard. The inspection was carried out at Centennial College Residence located at 940 Progress Avenue, Canada. For the inspection, we focused on the kitchen/storage and the atrium area on which our findings are based on. To help with our findings we also interviewed an employee who works in a storage room as a cleaner. We asked him about the PPE’s used while working he showed us the PPE’s which they use while working in a storage room. He also accompanied us to the inspection of storage room. Overall the college residence has taken reasonable steps to maintaining a safety and healthy environment taking into account the number injuries associated with the accommodation industry However, this report shows nine (9) of our findings, most of which were safety related hazard and mostly work practice hazard. They required little$0-$600 or no cost to implement recommendation s per hazard. H&S Pre-Inspection: Key Insights: The 1st piece of information gathered was that of Marta Borowskas’ (the Residence & Conference Centre General Manager) WSIB Certification. This certificate officially states that she has successfully completed both Part 1 and 2, which is the Basic Certification and also Workplace-Specific Hazard training. This then means that she is the delegated JHSC representative for the Residence and gives her authority for the successful running of Health & Safety programmes. We received the Colleges’ Occupational Health & Safety policy and protocol for reporting Health & Safety hazards during our information gathering processes. This was issued on the 14th April 2010; an updated 2011 version is in the process of being issued, by Centennial College President & CEO Ann Buller. This highlights the Colleges firm stance on Health & Safety importance as it is being endorsed by the President herself. This document outlines the purpose, scope, rules & regulations and policy specific content and clearly defines the parameters with which they are analysed. We also looked at the Health & Safety notice-board, which was centrally located and readily visible. We noted that they had included the names, roles and responsibilities and contact details (e-mail, addresses and tel. Number). Most importantly of all it clearly made particular reference to each of their respective individual skill and training certification levels also. We also gained access to the Residences’ MSDS forms, Propane for example. There is a vast amount of relevant information divulged on each MSDS form-sheet, these include the chemical formation, classification and DOT Hazard Class, its boiling and freezing points, and under what chemical categorisation it is filed under. It also gives First Aid directions to undertake. Other documentation we received outlined the college’s stance on work refusal situations among college (and residence) employees. The whole process and stages along the process of coming to a successful resolution is outlined clearly in the adjoining Appendices’ diagrams. Also attached is the company’s policy on what to do in times of violence in the workplace. Logistics: The inspection of The Centennial Residence was carried out on Sunday the 3rd April. All group members were in attendance in order to be truly thorough with our inspection. In order for this inspection to happen, we had to first gain approval from the General Manager of the Residence,  Marta Borowska. This was done in an informal manner and she was of great help to our cause aiding us with as much information as was at hand to her. Inspection Procedure Details: We identified that we would need to bring some helpful equipment with us. At a basic level of course pens, pencils, paper would be essential. We also brought a camera, latex gloves and measuring tape. A thorough inspection of the residence should take roughly an hour or more to complete. Floor Plan: An appropriate floor plan was drawn, complete with accompanying legend, and the most efficient route, which would fully inspect all areas, was devised. As evidenced within the floor plan, our inspection area encompassed the atrium and adjoining storage room, and corridor entering the atrium of the residence. Particular potential hazards such as uncovered switch board, inappropriate placing of table and crack in the ceiling, was found. For the Floor Plan see Appendix (1) Inspection and Findings: Checklist for the inspection: Yes No N/A Comments 1. Are floor plans posted? The floor plans were posted on every entry and exit. 2. Is there a clear fire evacuation procedure posted? The fire evacuation were posted beside every fire extinguishers 3. Inspect all the fire extinguishers and record on inspection tag. Yes every extinguisher had the record and inspection tag. Every 11th March. 4. Are the fire drills conducted monthly? Date of last drill. Drills are conducted monthly. The date of last drill was 17th March. 5. Are doors unobstructed and protected against obstruction? No obstacles were found in front or back of any doors. 6. Are all exit lights on? Yes the exit lights were lit on. 7. Is there evidence of exposed wires or frayed cords? Yes on of the switch board was not covered and the wires were coming out of it. 8. Are the electronic outlets, switches and lights adequately covered and working? One of the switch board was not covered. And all the sockets were not covered. 9. Have all the hazardous substances been labelled clearly? Yes all were labelled clearly. 10. Are the hazardous materials (WHMIS) MSDS sheets filed in binders on the premises? Yes they are field in binders on the premises. 11. Are the flammable materials stored in proper location? Yes they were stored properly. 12. Are smoke detectors working properly? Yes they are working properly. 13. Are carbon monoxide detectors working properly? Yes they are working properly. 14. Are elevators working properly? Yes elevators were working properly. 15. Observe any personal using improper lifting techniques? Did not notice any employees lifting something in an improper way. 16. Are storage cleaned regularly? Yes storage are cleaned regularly. 17. Are employees wearing the required protective equipment/ Yes according to the conversation with an employee they wear the required equipment while cooking. 18. Is the location of the 1st aid kit clearly marked, known and accessible to the work area and adequately supplied? Yes they were clearly accessible. 19. Is the eye wash station maintained and accessible? Yes it was accessible. 20. Is the emergency bag in designated location and sealed? Yes it was located properly and was also sealed. 21. Filters in exhaust system cleaned at least daily? Cleaned daily. 22. Was perishable or potentially hazardous food properly stored at the correct temperature? Yes the food in the kitchen was stored in proper temperature. 23. Was there enough space to walk through the storage room? In the storage room the small moving shelves with wires in it were obstacle for us to move around in the room. 24. Was there proper ventilation in the kitchen? No there was no proper ventilation in the kitchen. 25. Was there the list of health and safety committee? Yes there was the list of health and safety committee present. 26. Was there H & S policy statement? Yes they had health and safety policy statement. Major Findings We started our inspection from the atrium area of the residence. It is a very clean open space area with the billiards table and a table soccer table to play in Middle West part of the atrium. And to left of south of the areas there were some chairs with a table to sit and do the work. We as a health and safety team entered the area with a strong inspiration to find hazards. Hazard 1 Broken Hot Tub Fence: We entered from the front door and move left to the sitting area as it was very clean and clear to be honest we were inspecting with our eyes open to find a hazard suddenly we looked the spa. It was nicely covered with a brown coloured fence and a board written on it to identify the area. One of the members from our team inspects the fence very closely and he found out that the fence is broken. Fence was tilted out from the original position. It was at the lower part of the fence. It can be really dangerous as someone walking close to the fence suddenly can catch the fence and can cause some serious injuries by falling down on to the ground. We took the picture of this hazard as from the picture it is clearly seen that the fence is broken at the ground level. This hazard can’t be ignored easily it looks very simple but it’s very dangerous in aspect to the result. (for picture, appendix 3) Hazard 2 Loose Light frame As we walked down the stairs in the atrium area we noticed very loose light frame that was attached to a wall. I was so loosed that its sides were starting to come out. On examining this hazard we found out that the fame was missing few screws and this was the reason it was coming off the wall. As shown in the picture the light frame is very loose, people walking on the stairs can accidently come in contact with the loose light frame. This can lead to dangerous electric shock or a fall from the stair case. This type of hazards cannot be identified at the first look. It requires deep inspecting (for picture see appendix 4). Hazard 3 Open Electric Circuits. We then moved to south of the atrium. As we were moving towards the elevator we saw an electric socket completely open on the wall. It was placed exactly beside an elevator’s wall. Wires from the socket were completely exposed. As its position was below the wall so it’s very hard to see it. But a person walking or waiting for the elevator can easily make contact with it. These circuits carry electrical currents which are harmful and can result to electric shock, leading to serious injuries or death. (For picture see appendix 5) After completing the inspection of the common hall we went to a room which was combined as a kitchen and a storage room located south of the atrium area. The kitchen was on the left side and the storage room was on the right side of the door. In order to make it simple lets name the storage section as A and the kitchen section as B. The thing separating these two rooms was a thick wall without any doors. In other words if we stand at the entrance of the room we can see the first aid tool kit, eye washer and fire extinguisher in front of us. After entering the room if we go right we will find the storage room where tables, trays boxes, etc. was stored. If we look at the storage section we can see two rooms. We have named these rooms as a1 and a2. The 1st room i.e. a1 was filled with extra tables, trays, and the other decoration things. The other room i.e. a2 contained various shelves and these shelves were filled with boxes, table cloths, wires, etc. On the other side i.e. on the left side there was a kitchen (section B) there were 2 gas stoves, 3 refrigerators and a long passage where cooking vessels were stored. Hazard 4: Heavy Tray on boxes As we entered a1 part of storage section we saw a heavy tray made of steel, which was not placed properly by the employees. It was exactly situated in the center of the room a1. It was placed on the empty boxes and these boxes were light in weight. The tray was very heavy and if it fell on employees it can hurt badly. The tray was kept without any proper support. In other words it can be said that the tray was half placed on the boxes. The workers were not following the work practices properly and this can lead to an accident  in the storage room.(for picture see appendix 6). Hazard 5: Oil on the floor The floor at the entrance of the room there was a large amount of oil on the floor; the south direction (entrance) of the room a1. This is a safety hazard because any employee can hurt himself/herself by slipping on the floor due to the oil on the floor. This can also be categorized under work practice hazard as it is the duty of the employees to keep the workplace clean in order to avoid accidents. (For picture see appendix 7). Hazard 6: Tables not properly place In the room a1 we saw were some huge tables which were not placed properly. The tables were placed to lean on the wall and positioned in a way that could hurt anyone and can cause a serious injury.These tables were seen on the left side as we enter in room a1. (For picture see appendix 8) Hazard 7: Small moving shelves After inspecting the room 1 we moved towards room a2 in room a2 there were two big shelves (not movable) on the left side of the room and some boxes were on the right side of the room. The way in the middle was blocked by the small moving shelves and due to this there was no enough space to walk in the room. These shelves were full of wires and other heavy materials such as laptop and speakers which created more difficulty walking through the room. An employee can fall and can cause an injury because of these obstacles. Hence this can be considered as a confined space hazard. (For picture see appendix 9) Hazard 7: Heavy Boxes on shelves On the left side of the room a2 there were two big immovable shelves which contained of boxes table clothes, empty plates, glasses, etc. There were few boxes that were big in size and contained heavy material in it. These boxes were kept on the top of the shelves and some part of these boxes was coming out of the shelves. In other words we can say that the boxes were not fitting in the shelves. This can be considered as a material hazard because these boxes can fall on someone. It can also be considered as a work  practice hazard because it is carelessness of the employees to keep the boxes on the top of the shelves even if they are not fitting there. This hazard can be dangerous to anyone and can cause some serious injuries. There are two pictures showing these hazards. (For pictures see appendix 10). Hazard 8: Crack in Ceiling Looking up, a crack in the ceiling was seen in room a2. This crack was in the ceiling which was situated right behind the door of entrance of room a2. This can be considered to be a very dangerous hazard because this crack can lead to breakdown of ceiling resulting in injury or death of the person standing below the ceiling. This hazard comes under the category of ergonomics or workplace design hazard. (For picture see appendix 11). Hazard Inspection Analysis and Assessment Here we determined the level of risk of the hazards we identified from our inspection and make recommendations based on it. Risk is the probability of an injury expressed as a percentage. The calculation of risk for any hazard will be Risk= Probability X Consequence X Exposure. Where probability refers to the chance that something will happen, consequence refers to the result of injury that could arise from the hazard. Exposure is the number of times a contact is made with the event (IAPA, 2006). For our Inspection we followed these scales Probability Scale: Scale from 1 to 10 0-1: Unlikely Occur 2-5: Possibly will occur in time 6-7: Probably will occur in time 8-10: Likely will occur immediately or short after exposure to the hazard Consequences Scale (severity): Scale from 1to 10 0-1: Negligible; may not affect personnel safety, or health, but still in violation of specific criteria 2-5: Marginal; may cause minor injury or minor occupational illness which may result in lost workday(s), or minor property damage 6-7: Critical; may cause severe injury, occupational illness, or major property damage 8-10: Catastrophic; may cause death or loss of a facility Exposure Scale: Scale of 1-10 This refers to the number of people who are regularly exposed to the identified hazard and frequency of the exposure. 1) Kitchen and Storage Room Large Amount of Oil on the Floor Should be cleaned from the floor by using an absorbent to get the bulk of oil off the ground and then applying soap or degreaser to remove remaining film Engineering Control Pre control $5 for soap or degreaser Employees bear more responsibility to address this hazard as soon as possible The supervisor should make sure this is done as soon as possible 2) Kitchen and Storage Room Deep cracks in the Celling Repair the cracks on the celling. Have a builder come in to inspect it to First you have to determine what is needed whether plaster or sheet rock Engineering Control Pre- contact Employing the services of a builder might cost $19.25 to $52.50 The supervisor has to inform the employer about this and employer has to take reasonable steps to eliminate this hazard As soon as possible The supervisor should make sure this is done as soon as possible 3) Atrium Open-cased Socket Cover it with new exterior Hire electrician Turn off electricity. Replace socket with new covered one, turn power back on Engineering Control Pre contact Contact Control $50 – $90 (after electrician labour + call out fee) The employer should be informed and should address it accordingly As soon as possible The employer and supervisor 4) Kitchen and Storage Room Heavy Boxes on shelves not placed properly The weight of each box should be checked to determine if the shelf is strong enough to support it, boxes should be pushed in, far away from the edge of the shelf. Engineering Control Pre-Contact No cost 5) Atrium Light fixture Purchase new fixture Remove faulty fixture Replace old broken light with new Engineering control Pre -Contact $10 – $50 Employer 21st April The supervisor has to ensure that this recommendation is implemented 6) Kitchen and Storage Room Small moving shelves (Confined Space Hazard) Small shelves which are movable have to be cleared immediately to clean the path. It should be placed on the sides to prevent. Also the materials on it should be removed and placed in secured place Engineering Control Pre- control No cost It is again the part of the employee who works in the maintenance department and it doesn’t cost an extra penny as this lies in the employee duties and responsibilities As soon as possible to prevent any accidents Supervisor of the storage room has the duty to inspect the store room. Supervisor should make it clear to all his employees about the possible accidents that can occur if the storage room is not properly spaced. 7) Atrium Hot Tub Fence Mend/Replace the fence. Hire carpenter to come take measurements Tear down fence. Erect this new fence in its place. Ensure protective clothing such as gloves and booths are worn Engineering Control Contact Personal Protective Equipment $120 – $600 The Employer should be responsible for this since it involves funding. 1st May The supervisor has to ensure that this recommendation is implemented 8) Kitchen and Storage Room Large Tables not placed properly Tables should be removed from the wall and placed in an area where no can have direct contact with it. Engineering control Pre contact No cost The worker and the supervisor As soon as possible The supervisor 9) Kitchen and Storage room Heavy Tray (Work Practice Hazard) Tray has to be moved and kept it in as safe place. Preferably it should be stored securely in a shelve or cupboard to prevent it from falling Engineering Control Pre control No cost It is part of the employee who is responsible in maintenance of the Storage room cleanliness. As soon as possible It is the duty of the head of the storage room (supervisor) employee to inspect at least once every day. It’s the responsibility that should be assigned the employee by the Employer. Other Recommendations and Best Practices: To ensure that health and safety is maintained to its maximum standard, the JHSC should ensure that regularly inspections are carried out at least once every 3months (WSIB, 2003). Importantly it is recommended that the kitchen and storage area be redesigned and organised to improve health and safety. The main reason, tools and others materials are not kept properly is due to lack of space in this work station. Also Administrative control such as training should be giving to employees especially those who work in the kitchen and storage area, they should be thought on safe ways to organize and plan their work.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Dracula Movie Comparison Essay - 1444 Words

Dracula the novel or Bram Stoker’s Dracula movie? Dracula, the most famous vampire of all time, which readers were ï ¬ rst introduced to by Irish author Bram Stoker in 1897 with his novel Dracula, which tells the story of the mysterious person named Count Dracula (Stoker). The book is an outstanding masterpiece of work, which is why it has been a prototype for various movie releases over the decades. Whenever a film director decides to make a movie based on a novel the hope is that the characters concur from the novel to the movie, which leads to the exploration of the resemblances and modifications between the characters in Dracula the novel by Bram Stoker and Bram Stoker’s Dracula 1992 movie directed by Francis Ford Coppola. Starting with†¦show more content†¦Starting with the book describing Count Dracula’s shadow coordinates with his body, yet in the movie, his shadow works separately from his body movements (â€Å"Dracula (Universal Classics)†). Another feature of Count Dracula’s character in the novel is that he cannot be in or near the sunlight or it will kill him, but in the movie, he meets Mina in the daytime and it does not harm him (Bram Stoker’s). Nevertheless, in the book Dracula is a pure evil, terrifying blood hungry monster that wreaks havoc on anyone he meets and feels the need to take life or end life with his arch nemesis being with anyone who wants to preserve life (Stoker). But in the movie when he meets Mina on the streets of London, he pursues a courtship with her (Bram Stoker’s). Then Dracula begins to develop feelings for Mina, so when he proclaims his love for her and refuses to condemn her to the life of a vampire, he is no longer a vil e, evil monster (Bram Stoker’s). This specifically turns his character to a vulnerable, loving man with feelings for a woman who reminds him of his dead wife Elisabeta (Bram Stoker’s). This leads to the next character Mina. Mina Murray Harker is the next character to examine, which is not as she appears. There is more to her storyline than just being someone’s fiancà © or a loyal friend (Stoker) She is one of the major characters, which embodies some intriguingShow MoreRelatedDracula vs Blade1516 Words   |  7 PagesEssay – The Consequence Of Modernity The context of a point of time in history greatly influences an author’s idea to create a story, and for someone else to evolve them. Events occurring within society and the way people perceive other’s at a time also contributes majorly to the development of modernity. Bram Stoker’s novel ‘Dracula’ and David Goyer’s film ‘Blade Trinity’ contrast significantly as a result of difference in context. Weaponry had developed immensely over the two stories to caterRead MoreBleh Bleh Bleh. What Does The Notorious Bloodsucking Dracula1755 Words   |  8 PagesBleh Bleh Bleh What does the notorious bloodsucking Dracula have in common with the attractive vampires that are shown in the movie Twilight? A lot actually, not only do they share the same name of â€Å"Vampire† or â€Å"Undead†, they also share the same powers and needs. The vampire genre has gone a long way, specifically with books like Bram Stoker’s Dracula. It first started out as folklore and then it turned into a popular topic of writing in early European culture. Bram Stoker then combined what heRead More Biases From the Enlightenment Period1965 Words   |  8 Pagescategorize subjects to quickly understand the subjects relations to the world, therefore resulting in a better understanding the subjects. Rank plays an integral part in several human activities. Without roles, whom would the audience cheer for in a movie? Without ranking, how would a business function? Although these roles help us relate to unfamiliar things, they sometimes come from unfair biases. Societ y quickly puts a person or idea in its place without always being objective. Biases only createRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words   |  760 Pages........................................................................... 251 False Dilemma Fallacy....................................................................................................................... 253 Fallacy of Faulty Comparison .......................................................................................................... 256 Fallacious Appeal to Authority .....................................................................................................

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The History Of Psychology And Its Impact On Society

The history of psychology has marked a major impact in society. A vast amount of controversies have developed throughout history in order to accept new ideas. Human development is a major topic not everyone understands. People develop in a series of stages, from birth to death. These stages are important stepping stones to the process of growing. However, each individual is unique, and all individuals grow in different surroundings. Moreover, all individuals pass thorough either positive or negative experiences in life, from childhood to adulthood. Those experiences shape the characteristics, behavior, and thoughts of an individual, explaining why they act in a certain way. A very remarkable figure in history is Adolf Hitler. Most individuals in today’s society describe Hitler as a powerful, demanding, controlling and heartless human. Truth is, not everyone is aware of why he became the person he was. In 1963, Erik Erikson, a very well-known German psychologist, took an appro ach on the psychosocial study of human development (Munley, 1975). According to Dunkel and Sefcek (2009), Erik Erikson developed a theory in which he explains that individuals develop through a series of stages, known as psychosocial crises. These crises are of a psychosocial nature because they involve psychological needs of the individual conflicting with the needs of society. His theory is historically important since it has largely influenced the developmental field of psychology. However, manyShow MoreRelatedPersonalistic and Naturalistic Theory Essay1139 Words   |  5 PagesThe study of history enables a society to understand the present better, prevent one from thinking the past is always better, and aids in the understanding of human nature. Psychology is an ever changing and evolutionary field. 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